Spread out on the banks of the Dnieper, sunny and green, the spring welcomer scents of flowering chestnut trees, and the fall loose gold leaf ... Covered with a legend, loved Bulgakov and Vertinsky, with mysterious streets and inviting benches in parks, friendly and affectionate. This Kiev, one of the most beautiful cities in Ukraine.
Kiev is beautiful any time of year, but many prefer to visit him in May, when they start flowering chestnut trees, and botanical gardens rampant lilacs and magnolias. This is indeed a magnificent spectacle - a city filled with spring scents and romantic atomosferoy.

The chestnut has long been a symbol of Kiev. These ornamental plants appeared here in the middle of the XIX century and quickly spread throughout the city, thanks to the people of Kiev love these unusual and elegant trees.
The Central Botanical Garden of Kiev, at least 600 varieties of lilacs, and the form which opens to the picturesque slopes of the Dnieper implies tourists.

In the heart of the Golden Gate of Kiev - a rare architectural monument of Kievan Rus. It is curious to imagine that once it was the city suburbs. Then, Kiev, in which the rules of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, surrounded by high earth walls with total length of 3.5 kilometers.
Special pride in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, which is deservedly included in the list of monuments of world importance of the international organization UNESCO. This is one of the first of the founding of monasteries in Rus.

Vladimirskaya Gorka is also one of the oldest places in Kiev. Previously, Vladimirskaya Gorka called St. Michael's, because of the location is St. Michael Cathedral. But in the adjoining park was a monument to Prince Volodymyr the Great, who brought Orthodox Christianity to this land, the park and the hill was renamed.
In the northern part of the park is a funicular, which is convenient to walk down the hill at the Vladimir Kontraktovaya to a leisurely stroll streets Hem and out to the Kiev Montmartre - Andrew Descent.

Andrew's Descent was once the shortest path from the Upper Town to the working Podil. Now it is a street-museum, one of the major tourist attractions in the Ukrainian capital. Since ancient times, as it is chosen for life and work of many famous writers, painters, sculptors place has become a concentration of shops, galleries, exhibitions, theaters and museums. In the open air there are numerous souvenir shops.
Pearl of the descent - St. Andrew's Church designed by Bartolomeo Rastrelli in 1745. And the most mysterious house - Castle of Richard the Lionheart. They say that for a long time it was thought that the castle is inhabited by ghosts and at night they howled in the corridors of the building. Frightened Kievites even threatened to smash the house brick by brick, but the intervention of chance, as one professor saved the house from destruction. It turned out that offended foreman builders during the construction of the building were planted in the chimneys at home eggshell, which in the wind and create those ledyanyaschie screams frightened the residents and passers-by.

There are in Kiev is another unique building - "House with Chimeras". It's mansion, all plastered with monsters was built by architect Vladislav Gorodetsky as early as 1901, but still impresses with its bizarre and unusual. Consider the mermaids in the flowers, dolphins, smiling frogs on the roof of the building can continue indefinitely. Interesting and the construction itself at home - from the street. Banked by the house three floors, and the facade overlooking the other side has already had six. Inside, the décor, the house does not yield to external facades: a giant light in stairwells, representing a huge catfish in lotus stems, ceiling moldings in the form of an octopus, a sinking ship, horns and skulls of African animals in the walls of a mysterious house - everything is amazing.

And when it gets dark necessarily take a stroll through the center of Kiev: walk along Khreschatyk - the main street of the city, visit the famous Independence Square, the European area. Evening Kiev is very beautiful. Come visit!